Memory Management
Note the page attributes from the output of the first instance. The functions are marked read-only, as expected. The unshared variable is also marked read-only. This is because Windows NT tries to share the data space also. As described earlier, such pages are marked for copy-on-write, and as soon as the process modifies any location in the page, the process gets a private copy of the page to write to. The other page attributes show that the PTE is valid, the page is a user-mode page, and nobody has modified the page so far.
Now, compare the output from the first instance with the output from the second instance when it loaded the MYDLL.DLL at a base address different from that in the first instance. As expected, the virtual addresses of all the memory sections are different than those for the first instance. The physical addresses are the same except for the physical address of the relocatable function. This demonstrates that the code pages are marked as copy-on-write, and when the loader modifies the code pages while performing relocation, the process gets a private writable copy. Our nonrelocatable function does not need any relocation; hence, the corresponding pages are not modified. The second instance can share these pages with the first instance and hence has the same physical page address.
To cancel out the effects of relocation, the second instance loads MYDLL.DLL at the same base address as that in the first instance. Yup! Now, the virtual address matches the ones from the first instance. Note that the physical address for the relocatable function also matches that in the output from the first instance. The loader need not relocate the function because the DLL is loaded at the preferred base address. This allows more memory sharing and provides optimal performance. It’s reason enough to allocate proper, nonclashing preferred base addresses for your DLLs.
This ideal share-all situation ceases to exist as soon as a process modifies some memory location. Other processes cannot be allowed to view these modifications. Hence, the modifying process gets its own copy of the page The second instance of the sample program demonstrates this by modifying the data variables and a byte at the start of the nonrelocatable function. The output shows that the physical address of the nonrelocatable doesn’t match with the first instance. The nonrelocatable function is not modified by the loader, but it had the same effect on sharing when we modified the function. The shared variable remains a shared variable. Its physical address matches that in the first instance because all the processes accessing a shared variable are allowed to see the modifications made by other processes. But the nonshared variable has a different physical address now. The second instance cannot share the variable with the first instance and gets its own copy. The copy was created by the system page fault handler when we tried to write to a read-only page and the page was also marked for copy-on-write. Note that the page is now marked read-write. Hence, further writes go through without the operating system getting any page faults. Also, note that the modified pages are marked as dirty by the processor.
As we saw earlier, Windows NT can switch the memory context to another process by setting the appropriate page table directory. The 80386 processor requires that the pointer to the current page table directory be maintained in the CR3 register. Therefore, when the Windows NT scheduler wants to perform a context switch to another process, it simply sets the CR3 register to the page table directory of the concerned process.
Windows NT needs to change only the memory context for some API calls such as VirtualAllocEx(). The VirtualAllocEx() API call allocates memory in the memory space of a process other than the calling process. Other system calls that require memory context switch are ReadProcessMemory() and WriteProcessMemory(). The ReadProcessMemory() and WriteProcessMemory() system calls read and write, respectively, memory blocks from and to a process other than the calling process. These functions are used by debuggers to access the memory of the process being debugged. The subsystem server processes also use these functions to access the client process’s memory. The undocumented KeAttchProcess() function from the NTOSKRNL module switches the memory context to specified process. The undocumented KeDetachProcess() function switches it back. In addition to switching memory context, it also serves as a notion of current process. For example, if you attach to a particular process and create a mutex, it will be created in the context of that process. The prototypes for KeAttachProcess() and KeDetachProcess() are as follows:
NTSTATUS KeAttachProcess(PEB *);
NTSTATUS KeDetachProcess ();
Another place where a call to the KeAttachProcess() function appears is the NtCreateProcess() system call. This system call is executed in the context of the parent process. As a part of this system call, Windows NT needs to map the system DLL (NTDLL.DLL) in the child process’s address space. Windows NT achieves this by calling KeAttachProcess() to switch the memory context to the child process. After mapping the DLL, Windows NT switches back to the parent process’s memory context by calling the KeDetachProcess() function.
The following sample demonstrates how you can use the KeAttachProcess() and KeDetachProcess() functions. The sample prints the page directories for all the processes running in the system. The complete source code is not included. Only the relevant portion of the code is given. Because these functions can be called only from a device driver, we have written a device driver and provided an IOCTL that demonstrates the use of this function. We are giving the function that is called in response to DeviceIoControl from the application. Also, the output of the program is shown in kernel mode debugger’s window (such as SoftICE). Getting the information back to the application is left as an exercise for the reader.
void DisplayPageDirectory(void *Peb)
unsigned int *PageDirectory =
(unsigned int *)0xC0300000;
int i;
int ctr=0;
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
if (PageDirectory[i]&0x01) {
if ((ctr%8) == 0)
DbgPrint(" \n");
DbgPrint("%08x ", PageDirectory[i]&0xFFFFF000);
The DisplayPageDirectory() function accepts the PEB for the process whose page directory is to be printed. The function first calls the KeAttachProcess() function with the given PEB as the parameter. This switches the page directory to the desired one. Still, the function can access the local variables because the kernel address space is shared by all the processes. Now the address space is switched, and the 0xC030000 address points to the page directory to be printed. The function prints the 1024 entries from the page directory and then switches back to the original address space using the KeDetachProcess() function.
void DisplayPageDirectoryForAllProcesses()
PLIST_ENTRY ProcessListHead, ProcessListPtr;
ULONG BuildNumber;
ULONG ListEntryOffset;
ULONG NameOffset;
BuildNumber=NtBuildNumber & 0x0000FFFF;
if ((BuildNumber==0x421) || (BuildNumber==0x565)) { // NT
3.51 or NT 4.0
} else if (BuildNumber==0x755) {// Windows 2000 beta2
} else {
DbgPrint("Unsupported NT Version\n");
while (ProcessListPtr->Flink!=ProcessListHead) {
void *Peb;
char ProcessName[16];
Peb=(void *)(((char *)ProcessListPtr)-
memset(ProcessName, 0, sizeof(ProcessName));
memcpy(ProcessName, ((char *)Peb)+NameOffset, 16);
DbgPrint("**%s Peb @%x** ", ProcessName, Peb);
The DisplayPageDirectoryForAllProcesses() function calls the DisplayPageDirectory() function for each process in the system. All the processes running in a system are linked in a list. The function gets hold of the list of the processes from the PEB of the initial system process. The PsInitialSystemProcess variable in NTOSKRNL holds the PEB for the initial system process. The process list node is located at an offset of 0x98 (0xA0 for Windows NT 5.0) inside the PEB. The process list is a circular linked list. Once you get hold of any node in the list, you can traverse the entire list. The DisplayPageDirectoryForAllProcesses() function completes a traversal through the processes list by following the Flink member, printing the page directory for the next PEB in the list every time until it reaches back to the PEB it started with. For every process, the function first prints the process name that is stored at a version-dependent offset within the PEB and then calls the DisplayPageDirectory() function to print the page directory.
Here, we list partial output from the sample program. Please note a couple of things in the following output. First, every page directory has 50-odd valid entries while the page directory size is 1024. The remaining entries are invalid, meaning that the corresponding page tables are either not used or are swapped out. In other words, the main memory overhead of storing page tables is negligible because the page tables themselves can be swapped out. Also, note that the page directories have the same entries in the later portion of the page directory. This is because this part represents the kernel portion shared across all processes by using the same set of page tables for the kernel address range.
Listing 4-12: Displaying page directories: output
**System Peb @fdf06b60**
00500000 008cf000 008ce000 00032000 00034000 00035000 ... ... ...
00040000 00041000 00042000 00043000 00044000 00045000 ... ... ...
00048000 00049000 0004a000 0004b000 0004c000 0004d000 ... ... ...
00050000 00051000 00052000 00053000 00054000 00055000 ... ... ...
00058000 00059000 0005a000 0005b000 0005c000 0005d000 ... ... ...
00020000 00021000 00023000 0040b000 0040c000 0040d000 ... ... ...
00410000 00411000 00412000 00413000 00414000 00415000 ... ... ...
**smss.exe Peb @fe2862e0**
00032000 00034000 00035000 00033000 00e90000 00691000 ... ... ...
00043000 00044000 00045000 00046000 00047000 00048000 ... ... ...
0004b000 0004c000 0004d000 0004e000 0004f000 00050000 ... ... ...
00053000 00054000 00055000 00056000 00057000 00058000 ... ... ...
0005b000 0005c000 0005d000 0005e000 0005f000 00020000 ... ... ...
0040b000 0040c000 0040d000 0040e000 0040f000 00410000 ... ... ...
00413000 00414000 00415000 00416000 00031000
... ... ...
**winlogon.exe Peb @fe27dde0**
00032000 00034000 00035000 00033000 00be1000 00953000 ... ... ...
00043000 00044000 00045000 00046000 00047000 00048000 ... ... ...
0004b000 0004c000 0004d000 0004e000 0004f000 00050000 ... ... ...
00053000 00054000 00055000 00056000 00057000 00058000 ... ... ...
0005b000 0005c000 0005d000 0005e000 0005f000 00020000 ... ... ...
0040b000 0040c000 0040d000 0040e000 0040f000 00410000 ... ... ...
00413000 00414000 00415000 00416000 00031000
... ... ...
Generally, the memory management features offered by Windows 95/98 are the same as those in Windows NT. Windows 95/98 also offers 32-bit flat separate address space for each process. Features such as shared memory are still available. However, there are some differences. These differences are due to the fact that Windows 95/98 is not as secure as Windows NT. Many times, Windows 95/98 trades off security for performance reasons. Windows 95/98 still has the concept of user-mode and kernel-mode code. The bottom 3GB is user-mode space, and the top 1GB is kernel-mode space. But the 3GB user-mode space can be further divided into shared space and private space for Windows 95/98. The 2GB to 3GB region is the shared address space for Windows 95/98 processes. For all processes, the page tables for this shared region point to the same set of physical pages.
All the shared DLLs are loaded in the shared region. All the system DLLs–for example, KERNEL32.DLL and USER32.DLL–are shared DLLs. Also, a DLL’s code/data segment can be declared shared while compiling the DLL, and the DLL will get loaded in the shared region. The shared memory blocks are also allocated space in the shared region. In Windows 95/98, once a process maps a shared section, the section is visible to all processes. Because this section is mapped in shared region, other processes need not map it separately.
There are advantages as well as disadvantages of having such a shared region. Windows 95/98 need not map the system DLLs separately for each process; the corresponding entries of page table directory can be simply copied for each process. Also, the system DLLs loaded in shared region can maintain global data about all the processes and separate subsystem processes are not required. Also, most system calls turn out to be simple function calls to the system DLLs, and as a result are very fast. In Windows NT, most system calls either cause a context switch to kernel mode or a context switch to the subsystem process, both of which are costly operations. For developers, loading system DLLs in a shared region means that they can now put global hooks for functions in system DLLs.
For all these advantages, Windows 95/98 pays with security features. In Windows 95/98, any process can access all the shared data even if it has not mapped it. It can also corrupt the system DLLs and affect all processes.
In this chapter, we discussed the memory management of Windows NT from three different perspectives. Memory management offers programmers a 32-bit flat address space for every process. A process cannot access another process’s memory or tamper with it, but two processes can share memory if they need to. Windows NT builds its memory management on top of the memory management facilities provided by the microprocessor. The 386 (and above) family of Intel microprocessors provides support for segmentation plus paging. The address translation mechanism first calculates the virtual address from the segment descriptor and the specified offset within the segment. The virtual address is then converted to a physical address using the page tables. The operating system can restrict access to certain memory regions by using the security mechanisms that are provided both at the segment level and the page level.
Windows NT memory management provides the programmer with flat address space, data sharing, and so forth by selectively using the memory management features of the microprocessor. The virtual memory manager takes care of the paging and allows 4GB of virtual address space for each process, even when the entire system has much less physical memory at its disposal. The virtual memory manager keeps track of all the physical pages in the system through the page frame database (PFD). The system also keeps track of the virtual address space for each process using the virtual address descriptor (VAD) tree. Windows NT uses the copy-on-write mechanism for various purposes, especially for sharing the DLL data pages. The memory manager has an important part in switching the processor context when a process is scheduled for execution. Windows 95/98 memory management is similar to Windows NT memory management with the differences being due to the fact that Windows 95/98 is not as security conscious as Windows NT.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Memory Management -- Part 6
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11:32 AM
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