Memory Management
The first two members dictate the address range represented by the VAD node. Each VAD tree node maintains a pointer to the parent node and a pointer to the left child and the right child. The VAD tree is a binary tree. For every node in the tree, the left subtree consists of nodes representing lower address ranges, and the right subtree consists of nodes representing the higher address ranges. The last member in the VAD node is the flags for the address range.
The VADDUMP.C file has a few other global variables apart from the VadInfoArray. A couple of global variables are used while locating the root of the VAD tree. The PEB of a process points to the VAD tree root for that process. The offset of this pointer inside the PEB varies with the Windows NT version. We set the VadRootOffset to the appropriate offset value of the VAD root pointer depending on the Windows NT version. There is a similar problem of Windows NT version dependency while accessing the PEB for the process. We use the Thread Environment Block (TEB) to get to the PEB. One field in TEB points to the PEB, but the offset of this field inside the TEB structure varies with the Windows NT version. We set the PebOffset variable to the appropriate offset value of the PEB pointer inside the TEB structure depending on the Windows NT version. Another global variable, NtVersion, stores the version of Windows NT running on the machine.
That leaves us with two more global variables, namely, VadInfoArrayIndex and VadTreeRoot. The VadInfoArrayIndex is the number of initialized entries in the VadInfoArray. The VadInfoArray entries after VadInfoArrayIndex are free. The VadTreeRoot variable stores the root of the VAD tree.
The sample has been tested on Windows NT 3.51, 4.0 and Windows 2000 beta2. The sample will run on other versions of Windows 2000, provided the offsets of VadRoot and PEB remain same.
/* Recursive function which walks the vad tree and
* fills up the global VadInfoArray with the Vad
* entries. Function is limited by the
* MAX_VAD_ENTRIES. Other VADs after this are not
* stored
void _stdcall VadTreeWalk(PVAD VadNode)
if (VadNode == NULL) {
if (VadInfoArrayIndex >= MAX_VAD_ENTRIES) {
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].VadLocation = VadNode;
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.StartingAddress =
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.EndingAddress =
if (NtVersion == 5) {
Vad.StartingAddress <<= 12;
Vad.EndingAddress += 1;
Vad.EndingAddress <<= 12;
Vad.EndingAddress -= 1;
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.ParentLink =
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.LeftLink =
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.RightLink =
VadInfoArray[VadInfoArrayIndex].Vad.Flags =
The VadTreeWalk() function is executed in the kernel mode using the callgate mechanism. The function traverses the VAD tree in the in-order fashion and fills up the VadInfoArray. The function simply returns if the node pointer parameter is NULL or the VadInfoArray is full. Otherwise, the function recursively calls itself for the left subtree. The recursion is terminated when the left child pointer is NULL. The function then fills up the next free entry in the VadInfoArray and increments the VadInfoArrayIndex to point to the next free entry. Windows 2000 stores the page numbers instead of the actual addresses in VAD. Hence, for Windows 2000, we need to calculate the starting address and the ending address from the page numbers stored in these fields. As the last step in the in-order traversal, the function issues a self-recursive to process the right subtree.
/* C function called through assembly stub */
void _stdcall CFuncDumpVad(PVAD VadRoot)
VadTreeRoot = VadRoot;
VadInfoArrayIndex = 0;
The CfuncDumpVad is the caller of the VadTreeWalk() function. It just initializes the global variables used by the VadTreeWalk() function and calls the VadTreeWalk() function for the root of the VAD tree.
/* Displays the Vad tree */
void VadTreeDisplay()
int i;
printf("VadRoot is located @%08x\n\n",
printf("Vad@\t Starting\t Ending\t Parent\t "
"LeftLink\t RightLink\n");
for (i=0; i < VadInfoArrayIndex; i++) {
printf("%08x %08x %08x %8x %08x %08x\n",
The VadTreeDisplay() function is a very simple function that is executed in user mode. The function iterates through all the entries initialized by the VadTreeWalk() function and prints the entries. Essentially, the function prints the VAD tree in the infix order because the VadTreeWalk() function dumps the VAD tree in the infix order.
void SetDataStructureOffsets()
switch (NtVersion) {
case 3:
PebOffset = 0x40;
VadRootOffset = 0x170;
case 4:
PebOffset = 0x44;
VadRootOffset = 0x170;
case 5:
PebOffset = 0x44;
VadRootOffset = 0x194;
As we described earlier, the offset of the PEB pointer within TEB and the offset of the VAD root pointer within the PEB are dependent on the Windows NT version. The SetDataStructureOffsets() function sets the global variables indicating these offsets depending on the Windows NT version.
WORD CallGateSelector;
int rc;
short farcall[3];
void DumpVad(void);
void *ptr;
VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInfo);
if (GetVersionEx(&VersionInfo) == TRUE) {
NtVersion = VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion;
if ((NtVersion < 3)||(NtVersion > 5)) {
printf("Unsupported NT version, exiting...");
return 0;
/* Creates call gate to read vad tree from Ring 3
rc = CreateCallGate(DumpVad, 0, &CallGateSelector);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
printf("CreateCallGate failed, rc=%x\n", rc);
return 1;
farcall[2] = CallGateSelector;
_asm {
call fword ptr [farcall]
printf("Dumping the Vad tree ...\n\n");
printf("Allocating memory using VirtualAlloc");
ptr = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 4096, MEM_COMMIT,
if (ptr == NULL) {
printf("Unable to allocate memory\n");
goto Quit;
printf("\nMemory allocated @%x\n", ptr);
_asm {
call fword ptr [farcall]
printf("\n\nDumping the Vad tree again...\n\n");
rc = FreeCallGate(CallGateSelector);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
printf("FreeCallGate failed, Selector=%x, rc=%x\n",
CallGateSelector, rc);
return 0;
The main() function starts by getting the Windows NT version and calling SetDataStructureOffsets() to set the global variables storing the offsets for the PEB and the VAD tree root. It then creates a callgate in the same manner as in the SHOWDIR sample program. Issuing a call through this callgate ultimately results in the execution of the VadTreeWalk() function that fills up the VadInfoArray. The main() function then calls the VadTreeDisplay() function to print the VadInfoArray entries.
We also show you the change in the VAD tree due to memory allocation in this sample program. After printing the VAD tree once, the program allocates a chunk of memory. Then, the program issues the callgate call again and prints the VAD tree after returning from the call. You can observe the updates that happened to the VAD tree because of the memory allocation. The program frees up the callgate before exiting.
Listing 4-6: RING0.ASM
.model small
public _DumpVad
extrn _CFuncDumpVad@4:near
extrn _PebOffset:near
extrn _VadRootOffset:near
include ..\include\
_DumpVad proc
;Gets the current thread
MOV EAX,FS:[00000124h]
;Gets the current process
;Push Vad Tree root
ADD EAX, DWORD PTR [_VadRootOffset]
CALL _CFuncDumpVad@4
_DumpVad endp
The function to be called from the callgate needs to be written in the Assembly language for reasons already described. The DumpVad() function gets hold of the VAD root pointer and calls the CFuncDumpVad() function that dumps the VAD tree in the VadInfoArray. The function gets hold of the VAD root from the PEB after getting hold of the PEB from the TEB. The TEB of the currently executing thread is always pointed to by FS:128h. As described earlier, the offset of the VAD root pointer inside PEB and the offset of the PEB pointer inside the TEB vary with the Windows NT version. The DumpVad() function uses the offset values stored in the global variable by the SetDataStructureOffsets() function.
Listing 4-7 presents the output from an invocation of the VADDUMP program. Note that the VAD tree printed after allocating memory at address 0x300000 shows an additional entry for that address range.
Listing 4-7: Program output
Dumping the Vad tree...
VadRoot is located @fe21a9c8
Vad@ Starting Ending Parent LeftLink RightLink
fe216b08 00010000 00010fff fe21a9c8 00000000 fe25a0e8
fe25a0e8 00020000 00020fff fe216b08 00000000 fe275da8
fe275da8 00030000 0012ffff fe25a0e8 00000000 fe22a428
fe22a428 00130000 00130fff fe275da8 00000000 fe26b328
fe26b328 00140000 0023ffff fe22a428 00000000 fe210fc8
fe210fc8 00240000 0024ffff fe26b328 00000000 fe21a8c8
fe21a8c8 00250000 00258fff fe210fc8 00000000 fe21be68
fe21be68 00260000 0026dfff fe21a8c8 00000000 fe215dc8
fe215dc8 00270000 002b0fff fe21be68 00000000 fe231e88
fe231e88 002c0000 002c0fff fe215dc8 00000000 fe2449e8
fe2449e8 002d0000 002dffff fe231e88 00000000 fe21cb48
fe21cb48 002e0000 002e0fff fe2449e8 00000000 fe23b7a8
fe23b7a8 002f0000 002fffff fe21cb48 00000000 00000000
fe21a9c8 00400000 0040cfff 0 fe216b08 fe23c488
fe21b3e8 10000000 1000dfff fe2333e8 00000000 fe226348
fe2176c8 77e20000 77e4bfff fe226348 00000000 fe2326e8
fe2152c8 77e50000 77e54fff fe2326e8 00000000 00000000
fe2326e8 77e60000 77e9bfff fe2176c8 fe2152c8 00000000
fe226348 77ea0000 77ed7fff fe21b3e8 fe2176c8 fe2197c8
fe2197c8 77ee0000 77f12fff fe226348 00000000 00000000
fe2333e8 77f20000 77f73fff fe23c488 fe21b3e8 00000000
fe23c488 77f80000 77fcdfff fe21a9c8 fe2333e8 fe25aa88
fe22b408 7f2d0000 7f5cffff fe25aa88 00000000 fe22c4a8
fe22c4a8 7f5f0000 7f7effff fe22b408 00000000 fe23f5e8
fe23f5e8 7ff70000 7ffaffff fe22c4a8 00000000 00000000
fe25aa88 7ffb0000 7ffd3fff fe23c488 fe22b408 fe218288
fe21da88 7ffde000 7ffdefff fe218288 00000000 00000000
fe218288 7ffdf000 7ffdffff fe25aa88 fe21da88 00000000
Allocating memory using VirtualAlloc
Memory allocated @300000
Dumping the Vad tree again...
VadRoot is located @fe21a9c8
Vad@ Starting Ending Parent LeftLink RightLink
fe216b08 00010000 00010fff fe21a9c8 00000000 fe25a0e8
fe25a0e8 00020000 00020fff fe216b08 00000000 fe275da8
fe275da8 00030000 0012ffff fe25a0e8 00000000 fe22a428
fe22a428 00130000 00130fff fe275da8 00000000 fe26b328
fe26b328 00140000 0023ffff fe22a428 00000000 fe210fc8
fe210fc8 00240000 0024ffff fe26b328 00000000 fe21a8c8
fe21a8c8 00250000 00258fff fe210fc8 00000000 fe21be68
fe21be68 00260000 0026dfff fe21a8c8 00000000 fe215dc8
fe215dc8 00270000 002b0fff fe21be68 00000000 fe231e88
fe231e88 002c0000 002c0fff fe215dc8 00000000 fe2449e8
fe2449e8 002d0000 002dffff fe231e88 00000000 fe21cb48
fe21cb48 002e0000 002e0fff fe2449e8 00000000 fe23b7a8
fe23b7a8 002f0000 002fffff fe21cb48 00000000 fe27b628
fe27b628 00300000 00300fff fe23b7a8 00000000 00000000
fe21a9c8 00400000 0040cfff 0 fe216b08 fe23c488
fe21b3e8 10000000 1000dfff fe2333e8 00000000 fe226348
fe2176c8 77e20000 77e4bfff fe226348 00000000 fe2326e8
fe2152c8 77e50000 77e54fff fe2326e8 00000000 00000000
fe2326e8 77e60000 77e9bfff fe2176c8 fe2152c8 00000000
fe226348 77ea0000 77ed7fff fe21b3e8 fe2176c8 fe2197c8
fe2197c8 77ee0000 77f12fff fe226348 00000000 00000000
fe2333e8 77f20000 77f73fff fe23c488 fe21b3e8 00000000
fe23c488 77f80000 77fcdfff fe21a9c8 fe2333e8 fe25aa88
fe22b408 7f2d0000 7f5cffff fe25aa88 00000000 fe22c4a8
fe22c4a8 7f5f0000 7f7effff fe22b408 00000000 fe23f5e8
fe23f5e8 7ff70000 7ffaffff fe22c4a8 00000000 00000000
fe25aa88 7ffb0000 7ffd3fff fe23c488 fe22b408 fe218288
fe21da88 7ffde000 7ffdefff fe218288 00000000 00000000
fe218288 7ffdf000 7ffdffff fe25aa88 fe21da88 00000000
The output of the VADDUMP program does not really look like a tree. You have to trace through the output to get the tree structure. The entry with a null parent link is the root of the tree. Once you find the root, you can follow the child pointers. To follow a child pointer, search the pointer in the first column, named Vad@, in the output. The Vad entry with the same Vad@ is the entry for the child that you are looking for. An all-zero entry for a left/right child pointer indicates that there is no left/right subtree for the node. Figure 4-5 shows a partial tree constructed from the output shown previously.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Memory Management -- Part 5
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11:31 AM
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